
Reiki is an ancient complementary energy healing therapy. It can work in conjunction with both traditional and alternative medicine. It has been known to rid the body and mind of dis-ease, as well as treating the root cause. Reiki harmonizes and balances the body resulting in a feeling of relaxation and well-being. During a session I am a conduit for this universal life force energy. I do not ... Read More

Reiki is an ancient complementary energy healing therapy. It can work in conjunction with both traditional and alternative medicine. It has been known to rid the body and mind of dis-ease, as well as treating the root cause. Reiki harmonizes and balances the body resulting in a feeling of relaxation and well-being. During a session I am a conduit for this universal life force energy. I do not direct the treatment only allow it to flow through me to you for it to do what is best for you at this time, in this moment. Reiki is a gentle holistic practice that supports physical, mental, and emotional healing. A simple, effective and powerful method of natural healing.

Forest Therapy

Nature and Forest Therapy, often called Forest Bathing, is inspired by the Japanese practice Shinrin-Yoku. This is a health promoting, nature connection practice that aims to enhance well-being, relieve stress, and encourage relaxation. It is underpinned by mindfulness principles, encouraging the opening of the senses to the forest atmosphere, slowing down, breathing, and fostering an emotional... Read More

Nature and Forest Therapy, often called Forest Bathing, is inspired by the Japanese practice Shinrin-Yoku. This is a health promoting, nature connection practice that aims to enhance well-being, relieve stress, and encourage relaxation. It is underpinned by mindfulness principles, encouraging the opening of the senses to the forest atmosphere, slowing down, breathing, and fostering an emotional connection to the landscape. It engages in an effortless attention. It helps us reconnect to our place, the Earth, the other-than-human world, ourselves, and our community. In a time when our lives are overwhelming and over stimulating, this subtle practice grounds us and brings us to a place of balance and connection.

An experienced and well trained Forest Therapy Guide leads you through a natural area providing education on the land as well as carefully worded and timed guided invitation, a series of sensory invitations facilitating explorations in nature. The Forest Therapy Guide holds the space so that you can completely immerse in the experience with the more-than-human world.

While immersed in nature we slow down, tune into our senses and allow for deep connection, introspection, reflection, and sharing. We cultivate the practice of stillness as we focus our attention within ourselves and the natural environment around us. We don’t travel far on a Forest Therapy Walk, as this is about the journey not the distance.

Each participant has a unique experience as each receives the invitations in ways that feel right for them. There is no incorrect way to receive an invitation and our body’s will only go as deep as is comfortable for us. As we cultivate connection to the non-human elements in our natural environment we intuitively connect with ourselves a little deeper.

Nature & Forest Therapy is an evidence-based practice. Studies show that slowing down in nature reduces stress levels and blood pressure and boosts our immune systems. It improves mental health and enhances brain power and creativity. Indigenous peoples have long taught that a strong bond between humans and the more-than-human world is essential for the health of all. Modern science is now catching up with this ancient wisdom.

Why a guide?
The forest is the therapist, the guide opens the doors. A Forest Therapy Guide gently offers a path to the present moment and to deeper levels of attentiveness to the gifts of nature. A specific sequence of invitations helps us shift from our chronically stressed state of coping with the demands of modern life, to a place of calm awareness. There, we can make meaning of our lives and new insights and healing can arise.

What to Expect
A walk is 1.5 to 3 hrs long. It's not a workout. We move slowly and pause often. The guide offers "invitations" to help you rest your mind, slow down, and awaken your senses to each moment unfolding around and within you. Participants branch out for short explorations, solo or in pairs, and then circle up and have an opportunity to share stories. We end with a tea ceremony to receive a deeper experience from a plant from the trail we've been walking and give thanks to the Earth for her gift.

Ashley Park is a Certified Reflexologist, Certified Forest Therapy Guide, Usui/Reiki Holy Fire III Reiki Master, Herbalist, and Holistic Reproductive Practitioner Student (Reflexology, Reiki, Doula) with a Diploma in Child and Youth Work and over a decade experience working with youth and adults in the Addictions, Mental Health, Homelessness, and Developmental Services. Ashley brings 20 years’ experience as a facilitator and her ongoing training with trauma informed care and wellness practices to her offerings in the community. Her personal experiences healing from a traumatic brain injury and parenting a neurodivergent child have taken her passion for nature, deepening connections with the Earth, and nature’s healing powers into something sharable for the community.

Ashley Park supports others in deepening their connection with the nature by creating moments that let’s Earth teach. Ashley offers educational, therapeutic, and restorative experiences through guided Forest Therapy Sessions, Nature Connect Workshops, and herbal tea ceremonies.

Ashley believes that when you have knowledge, you have more compassion and understanding and are able to let go of fears. Some of the in-person and online workshops were created to educate the community on local ‘pests’, wildlife, and poisons plants to improve identification skills, prevention awareness, and confidence in treating ailments in the rare opportunity they may be experienced.

Participants learn to prepare herbal remedies and are equipped with knowing to safely explore and bask in the healing powers of the natural world more openly. While connecting to nature, we are connecting to ourselves and learning how to live a more vibrant healthy life.

When we build connections with nature, we care and a positive byproduct is environmental awareness; healing the Earth, healing ourselves.

Ashley Park is a Certified Reflexologist, Certified Forest Therapy Guide, Usui/Reiki Holy Fire II... Read More

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